Volunteer Opportunities

James Irwin Charter Middle School considers it a unique opportunity to be able to provide a rigorous academic program with character integration for each student. Often this is possible because of your willingness and availability to serve. We appreciate a faithful volunteer more than we could ever express. Your services are a tremendous asset to JICMS. May we encourage you as a parent/guardian or maybe even as a grandparent to commit a few hours a month/week? Without exception, there are many needs.

Areas of volunteer help needed:

ATHLETIC EVENTS – Taking admission fees, working in concessions, doing stats, or keeping score at games.

LANDSCAPING/GROUNDS CLEAN UP – Weeding, edging, beautifying the grounds, etc.

LUNCHROOM MONITOR – Helping our assigned staff in supervising our lunch times. This would be ·èÂí¸èÎèÐã10:30 – 1:00 p.m., typically. If you can only volunteer during 1 lunch time, this would also help. There are three 30 minute lunches.

DISMISSAL – Assisting either for morning or afternoon car line directing traffic or radioing in the numbers or crossing guard. Times are 7:15 0 7:45 a.m. and /or 3:20 – 3:50 p.m.

SPECIAL EVENTS – Helping as needed for spirit week events, holiday decoration, concerts, 8th grade promotion ceremony, etc.

OFFICE ASSISTANCE – Making copies, delivering items throughout the school, filing, stuffing envelopes, etc.

UNIFORM CLOSET ORGANIZER – this would entail keeping the closet neat and in order.

Please contact the front office at 302-9000 ext. 3001 for more information or to volunteer.